Bundle of Nerves

So many things on my mind lately and it’s stressing me out.

I just joined the running club at school and there’s a regional cross country meet for all collegiate running clubs in the northeast. I miss running in meets so much and would be so upset with myself if I didn’t do it. The thing is, the other runners in the club are really fast and I don’t want to be the last one coming in on runs… which shouldn’t bother me at all. But it does. My goal is to at least go on Thursday for the early practice. If I completely suck, at least I know I tried!

I’m also nervous about the fact that I signed up for three half marathons.. in three months. I can treat one or two of them as training runs, but I would like to do really well in at least one.

I also take back what I said about not incorporating speed. Speedwork might just take over my life in the next few weeks. I’m going to take it easy to avoid injury, but it will be lifting that it’ll be on the back burner, at least until the end of October.

Among other things…

In other news, I went to kundalini yoga (again) by accident. I wanted a powerful/vinyasa-y class and ended up in kundalini again! I actually liked it, but it wasn’t what I was feeling for today. The gym keeps listing the yoga classes as “vinyasa flow” and the instructor keeps showing up doing kundalini. Not fun.

I’m going to avoid all forms of “vinyasa” and just go to a power yoga class.

I also spent some time in a high school today, was mistaken for a (high school) sophomore. At least I know I still got it 😉

Weekly Wrapup

I haven’t been doing great with my workouts. I want to increase speed, distance, AND strength all at the same time and end up not doing most of it because I’m trying to do too much. We’ll see..

Sunday: Spin class + NROLFW 1A
Monday: Power yoga
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: 8 mile run
Thursday: 3.36 mile walk/run
Friday: Rest/stretch
Saturday: 5 mile race! plus 12ish mile bike ride + yoga class

Distance: 19.36

Not bad. Here’s what’s up for this week:
Sunday: rest (unplanned, but needed)
Monday: 3.1 mile run
Tuesday: Zumba or yoga + lift
Wednesday: 12 mile run
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: 4-5 mile run + lift
Saturday: bike ride

I think I’m going to focus on just getting quality runs in before the half-marathon and not worry about speed. It’s too late in the game for that anyway and I have plenty of time to worry about that during the winter. The indoor track/treadmill will be my best friend. As for strength training, I don’t think it will hurt to focus on mostly upper body stuff until the half marathons are over. I don’t want to do too much lower body, because the soreness might prevent me from getting good runs in. We’ll see!

Too many brownies

Another crazy weekend!

I spent the majority of the day baking for my bake sale on Saturday. I took a break to go to class and go on a bike ride, but baked from 8-11 and 7-2am! Craziness. I was really worried I wouldn’t have enough but clearly overestimated the amount of people that would be interested in buying my baked goods. Hmph.

I had:
– Chocolate chip cookies
– Healthy zucchini muffins
– Pumpkin muffins
– tons of brownies
– Peanut butter cookies
– Peanut butter and chocolate pretzel sandwiches

Too many desserts? Just ask my roommates who were begging me to take the treats away… after I had brought way more than half over to a house full of boys.

After the bake sale I attempted a run. I’ve been having pain in my quads during the past week which was probably the result of a Zumba class I took plus lifting and not stretching as much as I should be… I managed 2 miles at a run/walk, which was unbearable partly due to the heat and humidity.

BBQ was on the agenda for Saturday night. I brought my own veggie burger and piled on avocado, tomato, and cheese. Delicious. Even a certain meat-lover was pretty jealous of my creation 😉

I tried to make it out, but was exhausted from staying up late and getting up early so I headed home around 10. Ha.

I slept in until almost 10am! Unheard of. I even went to bed at 11:30.

We got some bagels in the morning at our favorite bagel shop. I sprung for the Long Trail since it was basically lunchtime. The Long Trail is a bagel with turkey, sundried tomato spread, garlic & herb cream cheese, lettuce, and tomato. The first few bites were good, but the sundried tomato spread was not my cup of tea. I’m sticking with my bagels & cream cheese from now on.

I had an appointment at 1pm, but the person I was meeting didn’t show so I spent the afternoon working on my survey for my thesis. I managed to finish it and we just have a couple of things to work out before it can be submitted for approval.

I attended my first spin class at UVM on Sunday night. It was pretty good, I was pleasantly surprised. I also enjoyed that the bikes had computers so you could see how many rpms, miles, and calories burned. I also sweat so much, it was pretty gross (and awesome). I also completed my second workout of NROLFW 1A.

Today was pretty lazy. Woke up super late (again!) and ate breakfast at home since I wanted to go to a fitness class at 12:15. They had spinning AND yoga 12:15-1 both with super awesome instructors so I couldn’t choose! For the sake of my quads, I chose yoga. I was glad but my balance was so off! I really need to order new contacts. My glasses kept falling off during class and it really put a damper on my zen 😉

The rest of the day I just chilled and did homework. I finally did a load of laundry tonight, so now I have nice smelling clothes 🙂

I also want to do a quick weekly wrap-up of my workouts. As I’m getting closer to the half marathon, I really want (need!) to be sticking with my workouts. So let’s see…

Sunday: Rest (day after triathlon)
Monday: 16 mile bike ride + Zumba
Tuesday: 6×400 at 5k pace (3 miles) + Workout 1 NROLFW Stage 1A
Wednesday: 10 mile run + short bike ride
Thursday: Kundalini Yoga (1 hour) + Workout 1 NROLFW 1B
Friday: 16 mile bike ride
Saturday: 2 mile run

Not bad, not great. I need to step up my mileage and get in quality runs, not junk runs like Saturday’s. I also cut my speed workout short. I was supposed to do an 8×400, but I did it after work and was starving while I was doing it.

Here’s what’s up for this week:

Sunday: 50 minute spin class and Workout 2 NROLFW Stage 1A (done!)
Monday: 45 minute power yoga (done!)
Tuesday: 3 mile run + Workout 2 NROLFW Stage 1B
Wednesday: 8 mile run
Thursday: 4 mile run + yoga
Friday: yoga
Saturday: 5 mile race!